The Dangers of Drinking and Driving: Risks, Laws, and Consequences Partnership to End Addiction

consequences of drinking and driving

Recognize that your drinking is affecting your ability to drive safely, and remember that you’re not alone. Addressing the issue of drunk driving can be challenging, but it’s a life-or-death issue that’s worth the uncomfortable conversation. Drunk driving crashes can cause severe injuries for the driver, passengers, or others on the road that could forever alter consequences of drinking and driving their lives and those of their families.

Experiencing Mental Health Challenges

  • The results demonstrated effectiveness of the statewide and targeted efforts.
  • Alcohol addiction can lead to several long-term sleep problems, including insomnia.
  • Eventually, you may shy away from social occasions, becoming anxious, reclusive and depressed.
  • In such an instance, refusing to submit to a breathalyzer can likely still cost you your license.
  • In this guide, we’ll explore the dangers of drinking and driving, the legal consequences, and how to support a loved one facing a DUI charge.

Every person is different in terms of how they process alcohol based on biological sex, weight, food intake, level of tolerance to alcohol and other factors. Alcoholism is a condition that can be treated with the help of a specialized treatment center. If you or someone you love is struggling with a drinking problem, it’s time to seek help and get your life back on track.

Drug-impaired driving fact sheet

consequences of drinking and driving

A person may also be required to attend alcohol treatment programs. If someone drives drunk and survives a crash that injures or kills other people, they must live with the consequences. That emotional burden can be worse than any bodily harm; however, the physical perils of drunk driving are immense too. Impaired alcoholism treatment driving can cause accidents that lead to paralysis, disfigurement, brain damage, and death.

How Alcohol Affects Your Brain and Central Nervous System (CNS)

consequences of drinking and driving

It is illegal in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico to drive with a blood alcohol content (BAC) level of 0.08 or higher. If someone has a BAC at or above the legal limit, they are legally considered impaired. However, it’s important to note that critical thinking and fine motor skills begin to drop as soon as a person has taken their first sip of alcohol. Interestingly, three reports indicate that chronic marijuana smokers are less susceptible to impairment from alcohol on some measures compared with nonsmokers or infrequent smokers. Over 10,000 people die each year in the U.S. from alcohol-related car crashes. And every two minutes, someone is injured in a car accident involving alcohol.

What are the legal consequences of drunk driving?

Failing the BAC test can result in a night in jail and charges for DUI or DWI. Penalties for drinking and driving have increased in all states and can vary. If you cause an accident while = driving drunk, the penalties are more severe, and even stricter if someone is injured or killed. Prevention campaigns in the United States began in earnest in the early 1980s (2). Back then, drunk driving accounted for about half of all crash fatalities in the nation.

consequences of drinking and driving

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